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Vegan and Vitamin B12: How to Keep Your Levels Up and Your Health on Track

Vitamin B12, an essential nutrient vital to overall health and wellbeing, plays an ess...

Protein-Packed Plants: Top Vegan Foods with the Highest Protein Content

As part of a vegan diet, it's crucial that your body receives adequate amounts of protein - an essential macronutrient essential for maintaining, growing, and repairing various bodily systems such...

The Ultimate Guide to Getting 100g of Protein a Day on a Vegan Diet

Being vegan can make the pursuit of adequate protein intake an arduous challenge, seemingly unachievable given the limited availability of plant-based sources for protein intake. But with careful t...

Going Meatless: The Power of a Plant-Based Diet for Healthier Skin

Have you been feeling defeated by your struggle against skin conditions like acne, eczema and psoriasis? Now is the time to explore the source of these troubles by peering deeply into the animal's...

Is Heinz Ketchup Vegan-Friendly? Dive into the Ingredients and Find Out

With more people switching to a plant-based diet, food industries are making changes in order to better serve vegans and vegetarians. But it is essential that consumers exercise care when reviewing...

Vegan-friendly vitamin B12: Which fruits are high in this essential vitamin?

Maintaining optimal health as a vegan requires following a nutritious, well-rounded diet that effectively fulfills all dietary requirements - this may cause anxiety among some vegans when discussin...

About Me


As an animal rights and vegan activist, I dedicate my time to raising awareness about the advantages of a plant-based lifestyle. Through my blog, I hope to motivate and educate others on why adopting a vegan diet is so beneficial for our planet, animals, as well as personal health.