B12 and the Vegan Diet: How to Get Your Daily Dose

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Are you living a vegan lifestyle and finding yourself consumed with worry that you aren't receiving enough Vitamin B12? Please know that this concern is shared among many members of this community. Vitamin B12 plays an integral part in our bodies, and any deficiency could have severe repercussions in terms of medical wellbeing. Although animal products are an abundant source of Vitamin B12, vegans still have options available to them as sustainable and healthy sources. We take great pleasure in providing this comprehensive post detailing various vegan-friendly solutions to ensure that your body receives adequate amounts of Vitamin B12. We will thoroughly examine these vegan-friendly sources, from fortified food and supplements to more natural options. As an added benefit, we'll also share tips and hints on recognizing symptoms associated with deficient vitamin B12 levels and ways to prevent future shortages altogether. Be ready for an insightful journey on this vital subject that could improve both physical and emotional well-being!

I. B12 Sources: Fortified Foods

Fortified foods are a unique category of food where manufacturers add vitamins and minerals during processing to increase nutritional value and appeal to a broader consumer base, especially vegans who need extra effort to meet their dietary requirements. B12 stands out as an attractive source for fortification; yet confusion ensues regarding which fortified products to consume daily in order to meet daily B12 requirement recommendations.

Plant-based milk fortified with B12

Technological advances have made fortified plant-based milks an attractive solution to getting enough B12. Soy, almond and oat milks provide vegans with an alternative source of B12 per serving - Soy Milk(r), Almond Milk(r), Oat Milk(r) amongst others can all provide at least 50% of their recommended amount per serving!

Cereals fortified with B12

Cereals such as oatmeal and granola come packed with B12 for those who love breakfast foods like cereal.

Meat alternatives fortified with B12

Cereals such as tempeh, Tofu and Seitan offer delicious protein-packed meat alternatives which could also contain B12.how do vegans get b12

Textual depth increases with each reminder from the author that selecting fortified foods must be done carefully, such as scrutinizing nutrition labels to ensure products contain enough B12 per serving. Furthermore, when exploring other sources of vitamin B12 such as supplements specifically made for vegan diets versus those that utilize animal-derived ingredients.

Fortified foods may provide an easy and accessible source of B12 for people following vegan diets, but to achieve optimal B12 levels in their bodies it's still wise to diversify and add variety in one's daily meal plan. In the next section we will look into other means for vegan bodies to obtain adequate levels of this essential vitamin and thus add variety and depth to this article.

Learn more at Vegan Society about B12 fortified foods.

II. B12 Sources: Fortified Foods

Vegans looking to maintain healthy levels of B12 may benefit from taking vegan vitamin B12 supplements; but what are their available types and how should one choose the one suitable to their needs?

Prior to beginning any vegan-specific B12 supplement regimen, it is crucial that they understand all available B12 options, particularly Cyanocobalamin which is produced synthetically in laboratories. B12 injections may be the cheapest and most accessible source of B12; however, their high dosage often leads vegans to search for other sources to supplement their diets. Methylcobalamin is more easily absorbed by the body, and comes in tablets, gummies, or liquid drops for vegans with absorption issues. Hydroxocobalamin is another natural form of B12 that your body can convert more readily than cyanocobalamin into methylcobalamin; injections may be suitable alternatives.

[Video] PLANT BASED NEWS - HOW DO VEGANS GET B12? With Dr. Michael Klaper, MD
by u/veganitybot in Veganity

Selecting an effective supplement is no simple matter, and should not be approached lightly. Many factors must be taken into consideration before purchasing B12 supplements, including dosage, bioavailability and brand reputation. It is imperative to choose one which meets daily B12 needs while upholding ethical production practices that adhere to vegan principles.

Finding vegan-friendly supplements is relatively straightforward, with an abundance of choices readily available at health food stores and online platforms. Vegans require higher B12 dosage than non-vegans due to plant sources not being as easily absorbed than animal-derived sources; before changing your dietary habits or adding supplements it is vitally important that you consult with a healthcare provider in order to assess potential risks or drug interactions.how do vegans get b12

Vegan-friendly sources of B12

As previously discussed, B12 supplements are an easy and efficient way for vegans to ensure adequate B12 levels in their bodies. Additional steps may also be taken, including eating fortified foods and finding natural sources of B12 that are vegan-friendly.

Fortified foods

  • Nutritional yeast
  • Soy milk
  • Cereals
  • Meat substitutes

Natural sources

  • Nori seaweed
  • Shiitake mushrooms
  • Truffles
  • Tempeh

It is recommended to incorporate a variety of B12 sources in one's diet to ensure adequate intake.

Disclaimer: This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

III. B12 Sources: Supplements

Vegans rely heavily on natural sources for vitamin B12 due to the many health advantages inherent in natural products, as compared to supplements or fortified foods. Although not as abundant in B12 content, these sources still provide essential nutrition while providing access to it naturally.

Nutritional Yeast

One natural source that has become increasingly popular with vegans is nutritional yeast. This versatile ingredient works well in many dishes while providing more than 100% of your recommended daily B12 intake in just one tablespoon! Plus, nutritional yeast boasts proteins, fibers and B-vitamin content to meet vegans' diverse nutrient requirements.


Similar to nutritional yeast, mushrooms are excellent sources of B12. Shiitake and white button mushrooms yield approximately 0.5-4.9 milligrams per 100 grams; additionally they're an excellent source of vitamin D which plays an integral part in maintaining strong bones as well as overall wellbeing of our bodies.how do vegans get b12


Spirulina, a type of blue-green algae packed with essential nutrients, offers another promising natural source of B12. Vegans who consume this superfood can gain optimal access to B12 while simultaneously indulging in this nutritional treat. However, it's crucial that this product be purchased from reliable sources as some brands contain harmful toxins which could compromise its safety.

Though natural B12 sources can be beneficial, they may not meet all your body's B12 needs in full. Therefore, injection dosages of vitamin B12 should be used as supplements. In addition, vegan foods like fortified nutritional yeast or plant-based meat alternatives may contain natural sources of B12. Although these sources are less reliable.

Therefore, for optimal health it is vitally important to follow a balanced diet consisting of various sources of B12. A combination of natural B12 sources in one's food regimen with supplements or fortified foods can create an effective B12-rich system tailored towards fulfilling body's dietary requirements.

Learn more at NCBI about B12 sources and supplements.

IV. I B12 Sources: Natural Sources

B12 deficiency

An all too frequent problem among vegans, manifests itself through various health issues including impaired nerve and brain function, depression and anemia. Vegans suffering from B12 deficiency typically exhibit:

  • Fatigue
  • Weakness
  • Tingling sensation in extremities
  • Depression
  • Mouth ulcers
  • Pale skin tone
  • Yellowish complexion
  • Cognitive and memory problems

These symptoms could signal B12 deficiency - although any one or more could stem from other sources as well.

Protecting Against B12 Deficiency

Now the question becomes how vegans can take proactive steps in protecting themselves from this nutritional deficiency risk? There are various strategies available:how do vegans get b12

  • First and foremost, make an effort to include foods or supplements which meet daily B12 intake needs in a comprehensive way.
  • Second, don't underestimate the value of adding natural B12 sources into your diet as they can provide valuable additional support, even though they might not provide optimal levels on their own.
Vegans must regularly monitor their B12 levels via blood testing, and consult with their healthcare provider on an optimal frequency and interpretation method of results.

As previously discussed, B12 deficiency remains an issue among vegans, but you can take measures to protect yourself. By staying aware of your B12 intake and getting regular B12 tests, you can ensure your levels remain within safe and healthy parameters.


Human bodies rely on having access to various nutrients, such as vitamin B12. Achieving good health requires meeting this essential need - something vegans and all those aspiring to good health must strive for. While vegans generally avoid animal products containing substantial amounts of B12, that doesn't have to be an obstacle as there are alternative B12 sources available which are vegan-friendly.

Vegan sources of B12 exist in abundance, including supplements, fortified foods and natural sources. Integrating an assortment of these sources into one's diet in sufficient amounts will enable the fulfillment of one's B12 requirements; however it is crucial that customers check labels or speak to healthcare providers prior to purchasing anything containing B12.

B12 deficiency has been linked with serious health risks, making preventive measures all the more essential. A balanced diet containing multiple sources of B12 such as natural ones as well as fortified food and supplements is one way to ensure consumption; keeping an eye on how much B12 you take in by engaging in regular tests allows monitoring levels.

At its core, being the best version of ourselves and living a vibrant vegan life through maintaining optimal B12 levels should be our ultimate aim.


John Karrigan

As an animal rights and vegan activist, I dedicate my time to raising awareness about the advantages of a plant-based lifestyle. Through my blog, I hope to motivate and educate others on why adopting a vegan diet is so beneficial for our planet, animals, as well as personal health.